We have located 101/176 219 234 old boys.

The site still needs to acquire the following:

  1. "Passing In" photographs of all the divisions at Fisgard: Acquired to date :Nil (Courtesy Fisgard Museum)
  2. Crests of Caledonia & Condor (Courtesy Barry Clark & Bob Stuart)
  3. Site maps (probably not to scale, send me a sketch and I can fix it) of Caledonia, Condor & Daedalus apprentice areas
  4. "Passing out" photographs of Caledonia, Condor & Daedalus
  5. As many as possible of you old boys to join the Fisgard
  6. Comments & suggestions as to how you would like the site to develope, but be careful as I only have my spare time to do this in.
  7. The names of the last two divisions at Collingwood - Bateson (east or west) and ?????(Courtesy J Garlick)




If you change your email address, please let me know, because I really would like to keep in touch with all of you.

        18 Mar 2023Eddie Cole puts up a Daedalus Passing Out photo
        10 Dec 2022MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ONE & ALL
18 Feb 2021

We found Curly Baxter(101)  See notes
     06 Oct 2020Dave Gleddon tells me that Clive Peacock passed away 06/10/20 RIP
     30 May 2020Geoff Lamb makes contact again Still in Aus
     29 Mar 2020Inserted a link to Lisa Manners "Help for Veterans page on Links Page
      23 Feb 2020I am Norman (Nolly) Bland from Series 35 Frobisher Division.

Barrie Clark from Series 46 Crossed the Bar on 23rd February 2020.
      23 Dec 2019Keith Goy tells me Mick Sharpe passed away 21 Dec 2019 RIP
      22 Aug 2019That's 100 of the class I have made some contact with only 134 to go
      22 Aug 2019Barrie Clarke informs me that David Woods(100) passed away today
      20 Apl 2019Just found out that Robert F Scantlebury (99) passed away 20 Jan 1972 in a London Hospital He appeared to have been a civilian
     08 Dec 2018Jeff Collins(98)  makes contact and adds some notes
    27 Oct 2018

e do not know each other, my name is Nick Holland from series 37. I was at Collingwood in the 1963/64 period living in Marlborough Division as a PO App. and Derek Titheridge was in fact 'my sprog'. The reason I am contacting you is that a classmate of yours, Peter Dodd S47 passed away on the 18th October at home in Chester. I knew Peter on the submarine Valiant in the 1969-72 period and of course on a submarine everyone knows each other. I have had Peter's passing away posted via the website managers for both the FA and SA. I feel very strongly about getting the necessary information posted on the relevant websites as it is the least we can do to remember them and I thought that I would contact you as an identifiable representative of S47. I received the information from a very good friend of Peter's who lives in Thurso who also informed everyone who was associated with him from Valiant days. I would ask that you update your website in tribute to Peter who was a great guy and his passing is very sad for all who knew him.

     16 Dec 2017

    11 Nov 2017
We shall Remember Them
    04 Aug 2017
Trevor James makes contact with Martin Chase (96) Meet Up Soon
    03 June 2017
Dave Smith (S46 Grenville) puts names to faces Grenville 1 & 2

    22 Dec 2016
    21 May 2016
Terry Delves finds  Frobisher Division Apl 1963 Photo
     07 Apr 2016
Mini meet up Red Lion Fareham 12:00 Noon (Terry Delves Over)

     23 Dec 2015
     23 Dec 2015
Dave Smith lets us have some notes and a photo
     07 Dec 2015
Owen Mooney passed away this weekend RIP
    13 Jun 2015
Al Finn bumps into Ian Sudbury in Warwickshire and Ian gives us some notes
    03 May 2015
Terry Delves is in Fareham Thurs 04 Fri 05 June All Welcome
    02 Feb 2015
Terry Delves is over in June
Anybody for a gathering?

     21 Dec 2014
    22 Nov 2014
Eric Pearson (Lt taught Control Electronics to 7 Class) makes contact
   26 Jul 2014
Johnny Moore sends some Anson Div photo's
   07 Jun 2014 I may be back in contact with Len Clarke ( Marlborough - Rugby Player)
Ian Watson may be able to make our local gathering at The Red Lion in Fareham
   31 May 2014 Barry Holley lets have current photograph - still living in Philippines
   23 May 2014 John (Clogger) Moore makes contact (94)
   03 May 2014
It looks as though John Delonette has crossed the bar (see notes)

   06 Apr 2014
Bill King (AA) makes contact - I think

  04 Jan 2014
Dave Gledden tells me that Al Greenbank crossed the bar in Thailand last week. Sad news - I am sure all our thoughts go out to his family 

 21 Dec 2013


13 Oct 2013

Still looking for web editing software - Geoff Lamb living in Aus gives us some notes ,

6 – 7 Sept 2013

Grand 50th Reunion RMC Portsmouth, including visit to Marine Museum HMS Sultan and Church Service to remember absent friends. A Grand "DO"

31 Aug 2013

One week to go,  but be quick

24 Aug 2013

Two weeks to go.
Still places available Fri Night

03 Aug 2013

Museum Visit list now closed

Still places available Fri Night and Saturday night (as my guests)

27 Jul 2013

Grand Reunion - 6 weeks to go
Still places available

20 Jul 2013

Grand Reunion - 7 weeks to go
Still places available

 13 Jul 2013


 are looking for caseworker volunteers more

 15 June 2013

Would still like to see more confirms for our re-union

 15 Jun 2013

Computer Bust - after 8 years 24/7 continuous working.

Nightmare having to update all programmes - on Windows 8


20 Apr 2013

Dickie Butler updates his notes

30 Mar 2013

22 Confirmed for Reunion with 4 more Likely's

02 Mar 2013

Pensions People returned 19 letters - cannot forward because of Data Protection Act - Humbug

23 Feb 2013

19 more letters off to RN Pensions today.

16 Feb 2013

Peter Humphries gets in touch via reunion announcement in Navy News (91 found to date)

09 Feb 2013

In Whitaker adds more to his notes

02 February 2013

Keith Goy makes contact
Link to Reunion Flyer -

19 January 2013

Ian Whittaker donates copies of Back Class letter - Hurt Certificate and Xmas 1962 Lunch Menu
(2 choices take it or leave it)

12 Jan 2013

Vaughan Williams and Ian Whittaker update their notes.
added those first days comments


Monday 07 January

50 years to the day we walked through those gates at Fisgard

05 Jan 2013


50 years tomorrow to the day we joined. Ian Whittaker, Mike Wooton made contact. Ed Cole tells me that Brett Humphries recently crossed the bar

22 December 2012


15 December 2012

Terry (Yogi) Starkey updates his notes from Cairns (Australia)

02 December 2012

Alan (Snowy) Gray lets me have some notes. Dougie Boocock (S48) tells me he will be at the Reunion

01 December 2012

A little sad news, Jim Neville, Ex REA App. passed away on 20 May this year in Auckland NZ. That is all I know at this stage, if I get any further details, I will let you know. Regards Bill Ingram

17 November 2012

Guys I am working on a Grand Reunion
Friday 06 Sept Icebreaker Private Room with Bar
Saturday 07 Sept Visit Fisgard Museum
Saturday 07 Sept Fisgard Ass Green & White

15 September 2012

Date and place 2013 Reunion 07 Sept 2012 Fisgard Green & White Dinner and Dance Royal Maritime Club (Home Club) Portsmouth

28 Aug 2012

Terry Delves is over from Buenos Airies for the 49'ers Re-Union. We meet for a pint at 11.00am. I invited Trevor James, Derek Titheridge, Al Finn from Alton and Tony Egerton came up from Weymouth. We had a great time I left at 7.00pm after Robbie Roberts had joined the crowd. We must do it again. Tony promises more photographs.

05 May 2012

John Lunn makes contact again and updates his notes

07 Apl 2012

Made contact with Dave Smith again

11 Feb 2012

S Kingston updates the Caledonian Band Photo

14 Jan 2012

25 Responses to reunion

31 Dec 2011

I have now had 20 Yes responses to a reunion and No no's

A Happy and Prosperous New Year to us all

24 Dec 2011

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all our readers

03 Dec 2011

Up for a Re-union ? Please respond to my email

12 Nov 2011

Jim Hough adds the Pirate Radio to Collingwood Dits

05 Nov 2011

Congratulations to Terry Delves on becoming a Great-Grandfather

29 Oct 2011

Ron Ellis finds us through Jim Neville, and updates his notes

08 Oct 2011

Ian Watson updates his notes

24 Sept 2011

Ian " Soapy" Watson has found us and adds a couple of photographs. Photo 1 Photo 2

30 Apr 2011

It is with some regret that I write to inform you of the passing of one of our classmates.
I have just received news from his wife that W.H. (Bill) Scott passed away on 25 April in Burlington MA where he was receiving treatment for an illness which he had been fighting since December last year.
Bill was a great character and will be sadly missed by all of us fortunate to know him.
Thanks and Best Regards
Stuart Brown



29 Jan 2011

Dave Gledden finds an old photograph

01 Jan 2011

A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to All
Al Finn updates his notes

25 Dec 2010


18 Dec 2010

Roger (Dusty) Miller passed away 13 Dec 2010.

06 Nov 2010

Andy Gray makes contact - identifies faces on Phillips photo

23 Oct 2010

Peter Payne-Hanlon sends in some photographs and other guards

08 May 2010

Brian Steadman sends in Photograph of Fisgard and Raleigh from the air

13 Mar 2010

Peter Payne-Hanlon and Dave Geddon put up current photo's

06 Mar 2010

What a week. Stu Brown updates his notes with a photo. Keith Boxall contacts us as well as Al Smith S45/S46 who passed out of Collingwood with us.

09 Jan 2010

The BBC tells us this is the worst winter since 1963. I remember that first month on the Parade Ground. (Editor)
Happy New Year to All

19 Dec 2009

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all our readers

05 Feb 2009

Barry Clarke gives news of Richard Appleby demise

22 Jan 2009

M (Mike) Cunningham updates his details

19 Dec 2008

A Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all our viewers

05 Dec 2008

My old mate Jim Hough sends in some notes

06 Sept 2008

Bill Ingram sends some photo's

30 Aug 2008

John Timpany has updated his details I think

19 July 2008

What a week - I upgraded to 20Mb Broadband and Virgin Media managed to shut my mailbox so I haven't had email for a week. I had a major heartattack on Thursday 17th. The old ticker stopped in the ambulance but I am home with a stent fitted and very well

28 June 2008

DT (Dave) Smith makes contact from an old email address and agrees to update his details

10 May 2008

New Photo of Blake. The RNEBS Newsletter has reported the demise of Shpt (Rtd) Chris Cole in Jan 2008.

03 May 2008

Mike Jenkins sends Current photo and S47A Passing out photo

19 Apr 2008

Peter Payne-Hanlon updates his details

12 Apr 2008

Al Finn and Mark Jenkins update their details

22 Mar 2008

Welcome to MRH Jenkins

08 Mar 2008

Al Greenbank updates his notes having settled in Thailand

23 Feb 2008

Chris Medway makes contact. Only 156 to find.

02 Feb 2008

Dhobey Washer adds some names to Cale Exped Photo's

12 Jan 2008

Terry Starkey and Dhobey Washer update their details, Dhobey puts up a current photo. Links page updated

08 Dec 2007

Len Clarke adds Guard Photo which causes some confusion re Fog

24 Nov 2007

Len Clarke adds photo

27 Oct 2007

Welcome to David Washer RNZN,

20 Oct 2007

Welcome to Ian Ridley, Roy Smith

06 Oct 2007

Last 30 names off to Pensions people

29 Sept 2007

Welcome to Jeff Frost

15 Sept 2007

Welcome to Richard Kefford, some new photos.
Clive Percival updates his notes and tells me Ed Cooper died in Dec 1964 in Suffolk

08 Sept 2007

Welcome to Dave Holt, Peter Atkins, Dave Marshall and Clive Percival. Dick Butler finds some pictures Daedalus, and Duncan.
Pensions tell me Mike Potts crossed the bar 26/09/2006. Another 10 names traced.

01 Sept 2007

Welcome to Eddy Foster, Peter Atkins and Robert Flockhart and wrote to Michael Sharpe this week. Spoke to Stu Millman on 'phone and emailed him.

25 Aug 2007

Welcome to Derek Titheridge, Trevor James, Len Clarke, Dickie Butler, Todd Appleby and I have learnt that John Wrighton was killed in a car accident in 1968. Pensions tell me that MW Hirst crossed the bar 14 May 1993. Peter Dodd telephoned me, he will put some details on the site and I think Malcolm Joy is trying to make contact via the site. (Please try again Malcolm). Dave Marshall made contact by email

18 Aug 2007

Welcome to Chris Davies. Fraser Robertson and Terry Delves, Terry Delves & George Henderson puts up a current photograph. Phillip Brown gets in touch
Ian Churchill Sends Photographs Anson Stragglers

11 Aug 2007

Spoke to Sandie Voce on the telephone last Sunday he will send some details - Had email from Terry Radford (RIP) brother John
Sent 26 names to Pensions Paymaster. More Photographs John Radford

28 July 2007

Letter off today with 24 names to Pensions Paymaster asking him to forward them to classmates

05 April 2007

Brian Steadman updates his details

26 January 2007

Vaughan Williams updates his details and adds to Cale Dits

07 January 2007

Welcome to Brian Steadman and I have emailed Derek Titheridge for some details

08 April 2006

Spoke to Sid Comfort by telephone this week

21 March 2006

Roger Dawkins contributes Caledonia Band Photographs

21 March 2006

Roger Dawkins updates notes also Phillip Brown and John Ashley

11 March 2006

Martin Higgs adds note to Smoker Concert

31 December 2005

Welcome to Ian Churchill

31 December 2005

Bill Scott adds Photographs to Grenville 1
and Grenville 2

3 December 2005

Managed to get current photgraphs as part of database
see Jim Neville, R V Smith, and Rex Long and Terry Starkey adds to Fisgard Ditts

10 October 2005

Welcome to Terence Starkey in Australia

06 July 2005

Welcome to Allan Greenbank

12 April 2005

Welcome to Alan Finn

21 October 2004

Welcome to Brian Stenning

10 July 2004

Welcome to Barry Holley lurking in Egypt/Greece

19 June 2004

Welcome to Bob Broad

21 May 2004

Welcome to Roger Field

11 May 2004

John Lunn adds a couple of items to the Dits

10 May 2004

Welcome to John Lunn in Australia

20 March 2004

Final PO Hook identified Chuck Wedick

12 January 2004

Welcome to Bill Ingram (RNZN) an ERA of Caledonia and mentions of Johnny Evans (RNZN) ex S46

28 August 2003

Welcome to Jim Neville (RNZN) REA of Collingwood

23 August 2003

Clive Peacock supplies Passing Out Photograph for HMS Caledonia with many faces identified

01 August 2003

Clive Peacock identifies 12 faces on Hooks Photo- still missing 1Grenville name

31 July 2003

Welcome to Clive Peacock (36 to Date)

11 June 2003

Welcome to Roger Dawkins, who has added some notes to Dave Whittaker,Pip Brown,Pete Humphries and R Dennis

31 May 2003

New photographs from Martin Higgs
and "the Boise" have now got their own page

24 May 2003

The Fisgard site now carries photographs of 1 Class jobs via the NEWS page

14th May 2003

Welcome to David Renouf

13th May 2003

Somebody updated Dave Sumner details but alas no email adress

19th April 2003

Stuart Brown adds more names to faces in the Cale Photographs

5th April 2003

Welcome to Stuart Brown

29th March 2003

New Photographs Condor, Centenary Banquet,Caledonia

3rd March 2003

Received photographs of Condor from Barrie Clark which will appear soon

8th February 2003

Bill Scott has provided the first photographs for Caledonia

21st January 2003

Welcome to Bill Scott

7th September 2002

Martin Higgs, Richard Keen and Tony Egerton have updated their details

1st August 2002

Welcome to John (Jason) Smith

10 July 2002

Don Walmesley updated his details (30 to date)

19 May 2002

Welcome to Peter Juniper

14 May 2002

Welcome to Ed Cole

22 April 2002

Welcome to Don Walmsley, and Pete Morris has been in touch

20 April 2002

Sketch of Condor supplied by Barrie Clark

20 April 2002

Welcome to Dusty Miller

15 April 2002

Welcome to Derek Titheridge

10 April 2002

Welcome to Chuck Wedick

01 April 2002

Welcome to Richard Kean (S48A) and Rex Long

31 March 2002

Added Condor Photo and Fisgard Factory - notes on Hops and Smoker

31 March 2002

Welcome to Peter Payne-Hanlon (OBE)

29 March 2002

Welcome to Tony Egerton

21 March 2002

More photographs added Smoker, Exped (enter thro' Timeline 1964) and more Dits (both Fisgard and Collingwood) Still looking for more old boys

19 March 2002

Welcome to Ian Stanley (Cdr)(no mention of Falklands or DSO)

14 March 2002

Got together with Bob Roberts, Phil Turnbul, Roger Barnes, Lionel Smith, Dave Smith, Tony Mooney and me at Red Lion in Fareham. More Photographs and notes obtained

12 March 2002

Series 48 Accelerated added

11 March 2002

Welcome to F J Henderson (18 to date)

8 March 2002

I have contacted Roger Barnes and Chuck Wedick this week ( he is in contact with Kiwi Neville)

7 March 2002

Welcome to T G J Andrews (AA) living in Perth Australia

4 March 2002

Welcome to Dave Gledden (ERA). Welcome to Phil Turnbull (S48A)

2 March 2002

Re Hashed Fisgard Photographs

2 March 2002

Welcome to Barrie Clark (AA) who provided a Condor Crest

1 March 2002

Added Dipbacks

28 Feb 2002

Welcome to Lionel Smith (AA)

28 Feb 2002

Updated Daedalus section

23 Feb 2002

Updated Condor & Caledonia sections - names for Caledonia supplied by Pete Smithers (S36) Ex FIFE

23 Feb 2002

Added timelines 1966/1967

21 Feb 2002

Contacted Chairman of Collingwood Society and joined. They could have lots of photographs and scrap books

20 Feb 2002

Telephoned O A Mooney(Scouse) and D T Smith(Dave) and agreed to meet week beginning 2nd March 2002

17 Feb 2002

Big trouble with dip backs to/from S47 - to be resolved

17 Feb 2002

Updated Class lists from logs supplied by Fisgard Museum (175)

17 Feb 2002

All new entry photographs on site

13 Feb 2002

Started adding new Entry Photographs

10 Feb 2002

Series 47 Web Site goes live

9 Feb 2002

Fisgard Museum very kindly sent me photocopies of all your Fisgard Workshop Results and hidden in the bottom of the envelope was photocopies of our class joining photograph's. Watch this web site for developements.

7 Feb 2002

Welcome to Smith R V Roger (S48 Accelerated)

Jan 2002

Welcome to Jim Hough, Len Munroe,Martin Higgs, Len Ricketts, Bob Roberts, Vaughan Williams and of course me

Dec 2001

Class list obtained from Fisgard Association