HMS Caledonia Band 1964
photographs by Roger Dawkins
Woodhouse |
Davies |
u/k |
Sumner |
u/k |
Deakin |
u/k |
S Kingston |
Washer |
Feltham |
Delonette |
Greenbank |
J R Smith |
Jan Dorricot |
U/K |
u/k |
J A Smith |
Blackburn |
James McTear |
u/k |
Pettit |
Dawkins |
Batt |
u/k |
u/k |
King(NZ) |
u/k |
Officer |
u/k |
Captain |
Commander |
Bandy Williams
u/k |
u/k |
Ingram NZ? |
Paul here goes..left to right top to bottom
Kevin Woodhouse (later Cdr.(E)) Chris Davies S.47 unk Dave Sumner S.47 u/n
Allan Deakin S.46 (later 2 1/2 chippy officer)
u/k u/k Dhobi Washer S.47 (i think he went for Helicopter pilot) u/k Delonette
second row
Al Greenbank S.47 J R. Smith S.47 Jan Dorricott S.47 u/k u/k Smith J.A S.47
Blackburn u/k u/k Rick Petit S.46 (I heard he was killed in a car accident
later) Roger Dawkins S.47 Gordon Batt Benbow div(Later killed flying Harriers
in the Falklands War)
bottom row
u/k u/n King (n z) u/k ( i should remember ,he was hook in my dorm!) Band
Officer ? U/k Captain ? Training Cdr. Band Sgt u/k u/k Bill G....? (n z) s.47
Not on thr photo were the Rainer Twins (buglers) S.46 Chippies.
Perhaps some of your contacts can fill in the missing names?
Roger Dawkins
The Fisgard/ Caledonia 47 site that I came across
one week ago doesn't really apply to me but the Caledonia band photos are
of interest. You request any names to be put alongside faces and I can see
a few that are marked unknown.
The face 2nd from the right, back row is that of "Flossie" Feltham.
The tall guy 5th from right middle row with trombone is James McTear from
Cumbria. He was the best musician amongst the apps.
I know of one other person that was present in the back row of that photo
but can't make out which one, probably 4th,5th or 7th from right (all look
The Marine Bandmaster was Sergeant "Bandy" Williams. Both when sober
and otherwise.
The ship's Captain was the one prior to Capt K.J. Douglas-Morriss, can't find
his name.
The Commander's name I don't recall either but he always left bits of beard
unshaved on his high cheeks.
I think Allan Deakin enjoyed playing Blues Piano.
The Rainer twins were certainly from memory part of a very large list of duty
buglers that was developed at that time by the "Silver Bugler".
I think it got to about a dozen. If you could hold one (bugle not a Rainer)
the right way up and make a sound you were in. That meant one duty day in
12 instead of the camp's normal 1 in 4 roster.
Beating retreat at Edinburgh Castle and opening band at Earls Court Tournament
are recalled, both in competition with the Pipe Band but best of all: Bandy
Williams organising the band to play at Lincoln Cathedral on a date that happened
to coincide with the Caledonia 50 mile run. No one
on the camp.. no one.. was excused the run.. except the band.
S Miles
Roger Dawkins - View of the Factory roof and chimney..Forth
Bridges in the background, i think the road bridge had just opened 1964-5 |